Just over 10 years after the award-winning documentary film An Inconvenient Truth, Al Gore is back with a new film. I am very grateful that Triodos bank invited me to the screening of Al Gore’s new documentary film, An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power.
Welcome to the Al Gore show
I much enjoyed watching the film. It shows Al Gore’s continued commitment to fighting climate change, or rather to raising awareness of climate change. Whereas the first film was heavy on the climate data, this film is heavy on his personal commitment, activity, and persistence. In my opinion, An Inconvenient Truth does a better job raising awareness and a profound sense of urgency. Research shows that the film inspired action, even in the most conservative circles.
The new film also inspires action, but in a very different way. This sequel focuses mostly on his own story. His personal conviction, and his efforts to train more people to spread the work. Very inspiring for people who are already convinced that the time for action is now. Perfectly timed at the end of the year, to reaffirm my personal commitment to continue to fight against climate change and other sustainability issues.
Up close and personal with a climate activist
After the movie, there was a Q&A session with Al Gore himself. For me, that was the best part of the afternoon. I was already a fan, but watching him onstage, interacting with the audience was great. During the Q&A, he tied in current events, including American politics, in an optimistic way. He shared that he too feels discouraged by President Trump’s denial and actions. But that he is inspired by the many US states, cities, and companies, united in We’re still in, stepping up their commitment to contribute to the Paris Climate Agreement. A perfect balance between raising a sense of urgency and offering hope.
Redefining investors’ fiduciary duty
As the event was sponsored by six financial institutions, the people in the audience were mostly investors. Al Gore was very well able to address them in their own terms. Not surprising, as he doesn’t just tour the world raising awareness, but also puts his money where his mouth is. In 2004, Al Gore founded Generation Investment Management, an investment firm that integrates sustainability analysis into decision-making and is focused on long-term performance. Moderator Sophie Robe (Phenix Capital) wrapped up the Q&A nicely. “The film was a powerful reminder that the climate is changing irrevocably. Today, it is an institutional investor’s fiduciary duty to take externalities such as climate change into consideration in the investment decision-making process.”
Urging us to be inconvenient
Like with many sequels, this one works probably best for those people who saw the first movie as well. I like it because it tells a more personal story of someone dedicating a large part of his life to driving positive change. But if you’re not (yet) sure whether you need or want to act against climate change, I recommend you watch An Inconvenient Truth first. Either way, I hope one the documentary films inspires you to be inconvenient and drive change!
Please share what you thought of the film or – better yet – what action it inspired you to take!
Written by Marjolein Baghuis (@mbaghuis) for Change in Context. To read about interesting people, book reviews and other posts about sustainability, change, and communications please subscribe to the Change in Context blog.