Swapping treason for truth to drive change

In 1927, French writer Julien Benda published The Treason of the Intellectuals. This essay criticized intellectuals for failing to speak out against political tyranny and societal changes for the worse. It urged intellectuals to take responsibility for examining and sharing… Continue Reading


Corporate governance for a sustainable future

Picture of Jeroen Veldman

“The debate on corporate governance is often deeply conservative and backward-looking. Yet in the future, companies that orient themselves to engage with an environment that will be significantly affected by systemic risks will fare best. A key aspect of enabling… Continue Reading


Purpose and the art of long term value creation

To drive change towards long-term, societal value creation, corporate boards need more creativity and diversity, perhaps even an artist. Many artists are frontrunners in society. They look at the world in a different way and find different ways to express… Continue Reading


The chicken and the egg of the food transition

On June 6, I visited Kipster, the most animal, environment and people friendly poultry farm in the world. Inspired farmer and co-founder Ruud Zanders told a diverse group of Nyenrode Business University alumni all about global food production issues and the downs and… Continue Reading