Change in Context’s Marjolein Baghuis is regularly invited for teaching and speaking engagements on strategies and behaviors for positive change. Here’s a selection of classes and events:
- Visiting lecturer at the University for Peace in Costa Rica since 2019. Teaching the cornerstone course within the Responsible Management for Sustainable Economic Development Master’s Program, together with Nyenrode professor Andre Nijhof. For the 2023 edition, 100% of students rated the class as excellent, one stated “This class has been the most powerful of my entire study life.”
- Course on sustainability for supervisory board members within the Erkende Toezichthouder Academy. Courses on sustainability for accountants and controllers in partnership with Sustainability University.
- Executive Summer Course at Nyenrode Business University based on Frederic Laloux’s bestseller “Reinventing organizations”. Marjolein led the section on defining and living purpose at the individual and organizational level.
- Panel on sustainability and purpose at the Global Reporting Initiative’s 2016 global conference. Marjolein led a panel with high-level speakers and an audience of sustainability professionals, discussing whether the word sustainability should be replaced with something like purpose.
- Speaker at the Wharton Global Forum on the power of integrating sustainability and purpose into your brand for success.